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Friday, January 06, 2006



Here is a link to a Philadelphia Daily News article about HD digital radio, and my reply is below.


My letter to the editor:
Oh, if the rosy picture you paint for HD digital radio were only true.
I am in favor of digital audio and digital media except for the proprietary HD Radio-NRSC-5-iBiquity system which is destructive, deceptive, and not in "the public interest, convenience, or necessity." It will do far more to destroy broadcasting, and the public's airwaves, then any possible benefit. As more digital stations sign on the air the digital hissing and jamming will spread across the dial, jamming more and more licensed stations, and eventually making the broadcast bands a noisy wasteland. This system is severely flawed and has misrepresented itself to the public and the government. HD Radio should not be approved or allowed.

Here, in northeast Philly, WDAS 1480 (AM) jamms the primary signal of WBCB 1490 (AM) in their primary coverage, with a continuous, annoying digital hiss.
Thousands of favorite AM and FM stations will be jammed by these digital signals (which sound like a computer modem) as more and more digital stations invade the airwaves. Each HD Radio AM or FM station blocks up to 5 channels, jamming and blocking other popular stations with digital noise. Proove it yourelf! Just tune to either side of a HD digital AM station with any ordinary AM radio. The hissing noise is loud, plain and jamms other stations. The digital stations here in Philadelphia are WIP 610, WPEN 950, and WDAS 1480. The situation is similar on FM.

HD digital AM radio requires the current analog fidelity to be cut in half, in order to accommodate the new digital signals, and creates an annoying digital hiss that can not be tuned out with most current analog radios. The public now owns over 800 million analog AM/FM radios, and they all will become obsolete due to digital hissing. Conveniently for the HD cartel, they have an expensive, poor performing, replacement.

There are other, better, compatible systems to transmit digital audio that are not getting proper consideration because of political misrepresentations, maneuvers, lobbying, and "influence" being spread around by the HD Radio Cartel/Consortium. Other systems are Kahn CamD for AM and FMeXtra for FM. Neither jams other stations and both provide fully compatible digital broadcast service without destroying the current analog broadcasting system. Both are fully compatible with the current AM and FM broadcasting system and standards, while HD Radio is not.

HD digital radio claims to be in band, on channel. But it is off channel, and will soon be all over the band if HD digital radio proponents have their way.

The FCC is now considering final acceptance of this seriously flawed system. Let them know that you do not want HD digital radio jamming the public's airwaves.

There is much less coverage area, not more, as falsely promised.
HD digital radio does not overcome interference, in most cases, it creates it.
HD digital radio creates an annoying digital hiss, jamming other favorite stations.
Fewer stations, not more.
Less diversity, not more.
Lower fidelity, not more.
More expense, not less.

Do you want your radios to perform as poorly as your digital cell phone?
They will soon, if HD Radio has it's way.

My websites further discuss this impending digital disaster, and are listed below.
HD digital radio is a DIGITAL DISASTER.

Richard Franklin

FMeXtra info: http://www.dreinc.com/www/main_radio.htm

Kahn CamD info: http://www.wrathofkahn.org/wst_page5.html

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